Crop Injury Case
Crop Injury Case
Commodity prices fluctuate, but one constant in farming is the high-stakes, low-profit margin nature of the business. As farmers, we obligate ourselves for thousands or even millions of dollars of seed, chemicals and fertilizer, we invest millions in equipment and facilities and work long hours to plant, care for and harvest our crops. We are counted on by our own families and those who work with us through the year. Farmers are constantly improving our practices and implementing new technologies to produce a few more pounds, bushels or dollars from each acre.
When that seed or herbicide fails to perform appropriately, or where a herbicide is misapplied or allowed to drift onto your crop, the yield potential goes down – and with it your profit. The yields lost can be the difference in recognizing an acceptable profit margin and losing money.
When the responsibility for that lost crop yield and revenue is the result of defective or inadequate crop inputs (seed, fertilizer, herbicide) or the improper application of fertilizer or herbicide, including herbicide drift, legal liability likewise rests with the negligent manufacturer or applicator. But as most farmers who have experienced this know, growing season assurances of, “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it” often evaporate with the harvest of the crop, leaving the farmer with no evidence – and no remedy.
We have the expert resources necessary to record and document the damage to the growing crop so we can transport the jury from the jury box – back in time – and back to the field to see what you saw (and what the insurance adjuster and field representative would rather they not see). The preservation of evidence is key to success in any crop injury case. With one call we can be “wheels up” and on your farm within days of the injury. We can have expert agronomists and adjusters in the field to document the damage and quantify the loss.
If you have suffered injury to your crop due to a defective product or the negligence of another, call us for a free consultation.
The legal problems faced by farmers are our focus.
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